49 Oscar Nominations, 5 Academy award wins, Still Ignored : John Williams – The Mozart of the Modern World

There is one song in every human being’s life that transports them somewhere, gives them a feeling which they cannot express by words. Now, I am not lying, Just close your eyes and imagine which song gave you the “GOOSEBUMPS” most number of times and there you have it….YOUR JAM or as i call it “THE SONG OF YOUR LIFE”.

Well, For me,  I too have a song. Sorry not just a single song but numerous songs and music composed by the greatest living musician in the world right now : “JOHN WILLIAMS“.

Now, haters gonna hate and comeback with something like…nahhhh!!!! John aint gud, he cant be compared to Hans Zimmer, James Horner…etc. Well!!! I say bullshit.

Are you seriously comparing John WiIlliams, A 49 times Oscar Nominated, 5 times Academy award won composer with a composer like Hans Zimmer (NO DISRESPECT…BTW, I ALSO LOVE HANS).

John Williams is the Beethoven of our lifetime. How many great visuals were accompanied by his splendid, Appropriate Scores???. Be it Jaws, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Super Man’s theme, The violin that makes us cry in the Schindler’s list’s theme, the grand epic score for Start wars, the touch of magic, mystery and mischievousness for Harry potter’s score, a Geisha’s un-expressible feeling in Sayuri’s theme, a con artist’s mind in theme for Catch me if you can, the full of Christmas spirit score to Home Alone, the beautiful yet unnerving score to the close encounters of the third kind…etc and so on and on.

We can write at least a book about John Williams musical works. But does anyone honor him. The answer is simply a big NO.

We need to raise statues, Build temples, Worship like a god the man who can create a different and parallel universe in our known reality with music.

Let me be the first person on the internet to Say the following words

John Williams Eats a 1000 Justin Biebers for Dinner and Craps a 1000 Aviciis in the morning. He is the Mozart of the Modern world

Dedicated to a man who is the only person apart from my family whom i want to live for another 10000 years. A big salute to you sir!!!!.

“May the force be with you always”

Dennis Ritchie Ignored!!! Steve Jobs Glorified!!!

Nobody cares what PAN America, Lufthansa or any other aviation giants for that matter, is doing to the Aviation Industry now. The wright brothers will always be known as the Inventors of Airplane. Hell, we even celebrate a day honoring them.

But why does that the same concept does not apply to the world of computing. Dennis Ritchie was a god, disguised in human form. A pure intellectual creator. Harbinger of Technological advancements. Epitome of Change in the computing industry. But ask any normal person in USA, India or any other state for that matter and they will probably say that Dennis Ritchie acted in Wild Things 2 and was pretty hot.

But i guess, that’s how media works. Ignore the nerds, geniuses and glorify the one who takes the idea and makes millions of dollars. Steve Jobs, in my opinion (No disrespect of course) was a overly hyped businessman who made huge bucks by selling crap phone.

I mean literally, there could be no comparison between the both of them. Comparing Dennis to Steve would be like comparing Albert Einstein to a person with Alzheimer’s disease.

Please try to remember the great man, without whom, the planet would not have C, C++, JAVA, UNIX and the entire computing world as you see before your eyes.

printf(“Goodbye World”);